Jaimie Gunderson

Jaimie Gunderson

Jaimie Gunderson

Director of Undergraduate Programs

Assistant Professor

Religions of the ancient Mediterranean, New Testament/Christian origins, Late Antiquity, moral philosophy, emotion, embodied cognition, affect theory.

Jaimie Gunderson holds a BA from the University of Arizona in Religious Studies, an MA from the University of Kansas in Religions of the Ancient Mediterranean and Near East, an MA and PhD from the University of Texas at Austin in Religions of the Ancient Mediterranean with a specialty in New Testament and Christian Origins.

Her current book project focuses on the role of thinking, feeling, and remembering in the fraught relations between Paul and the Corinthian assembly as documented in 2 Corinthians. Exploring the affective dimensions of the letter, particularly in relation to grief, Gunderson shows how social worlds, boundaries, and power structures are (re)produced within the assembly through the aesthetic experience of the reader/auditor.